This week's META Buster can be found at the top. Scroll down to see previous META Busters!

PT 1 How To Glitch FAST Hot Routes


Method 1:

  1. After QB puts foot down, instantly stem down any route once
  2. Watch video for breakdown

Method 2:

  1. Pick Play in formation next to formation you want to run
  2. After QB puts foot down, Hot route B/O on a streak
  3. Instantly audible over to formation you want to run
  4. Watch video for breakdown

PT 2 How To Block Every Dime 3-2 Blitz


For Loop:

  1. Option 1: Call any Playaction play and reblock HB.
  2. Option 2: Block HB and ID right slot cb

For B Gap (Engage Blitz):


  1. Block HB 
  2. ID Blitzer


  1. Block HB
  2. Half Slide Towards RB

How To SCORE In The Redzone


  • This is all being done from the Patriots Playbook, but concepts can apply across a ton of PBs!

Screenshot Moments:

  • Trips Route Combo: 1:04 (Can be done from any Trips set)
  • Y Trips Route Combo: 5:35 (Specific to this play)
  • Tight Route Combo: 7:33 (Can be done from any Tight Formation)


The BEST Redzone Defense


Coaching Adjustments:

  • Base Align: On
  • Auto Flip: Off
  • Hook Curls: 5 Yards

Set Up:

  1. Choose any play (Ideally from 61 Formation)
  2. Cloud Flat Outside Corners
  3. Inside Quarter Both Safties
  4. Vert Hook both OLB
  5. Mid Read/Man Up User
  6. Look to switch stick onto hooks post snap

Note: You can save on some adjustments simply by coming out in Cover 4, or Tampa 2!


3 Route Combos EVERYONE Needs To use


  • Route Combo 1: Double Clearouts, Post/Drag (0:00)
  • This combo forces them to NOT Switch Stick onto their Deep Zones, or 1 Play Touchdown
  1. Two streaks on the field (Ideally attacking different areas underneath where our Post will run)
  2. Drag Route 
  3. Post Route
  • Flat / Zig (6:04)
  • This Route Combo stretches the field horizontally underneath. Forces them to commit defenders to middle and underneath.
  1. Flat Route
  2. Zig Route (need good spacing between the 2)
  • Clearout + Deep Out (10:24)
  • This is the best way to attack the deep sidelines without much fear of being Switch Sticked
  1. Slot Streak Route
  2. Custom Stemmed Up Speed Out (10-15 Yards Deep)


Dime 3-2 Blitz Scheme


  • In this one, we're breaking down 2 GREAT blitzes that work together from the Dime 3-2 Formation (Chiefs PB)
  • Blitz #2 starts at 2:10
  1. Turn OFF Auto Flip 
  2. Turn Base Align ON
  3. Come out in play Double Safety Go
  4. Pick Either Cover 4 DropCover 4 Quarters
  5. Watch Video For setups/disguising blitz


LOCKDOWN Double Passes


  • Double Passes are very, very annoying right now in Madden 25, here's how to stop em:
  • Auto Flip On, Default Alignment
  • Call Cover 1
  • Presnap, you want to Pass Commit
  • Shade Coverage Overtop (Optional)


New Dime 3-2 Set Up


  • This formation is often called "Dollar" and can be found in the 49ers Defensive Playbook
  • Practice mode is weird for all Blitzes in Madden & CFB. See 1:40 and 2:15 for clean examples
  1. Turn Off Auto Flip
  2. Turn Alignment To Base
  3. Come out in Cover 4 Quarters Flipped
  4. Crash Defensive Line Outside
  5. Hover over the LG with your User and Engage
  6. Watch video for demonstration


Beating Man Coverage


  • It's important to remember, every route has a CHANCE at beating Man Coverage, just some routes are better than others
  • Return Routes, Zigs, Speed Outs, Slants, Drags, & HB Wheels are all great routes to beat Man Coverage
  • It is important you watch the video for a full breakdown


How To Block EVERY Blitz


  • Watch the video for Live Examples of how to block every META Blitz
  • To block Loop Blitzes use Play Action then Block or Hot Route the HB
  • Against a DT Loop (like from 61), Double Team the DT who is Looping
  • Against an Overload Blitz (like from 34 Odd), block the TE then ID the Outside Corner opposite of the TE
  • Against DBL Mug, block the TE


Easy 34 Odd Blitz


  1. Turn OFF Auto Flip
  2. Pick “Pinch Buck 0”
  3. Hover over RG with Right LB
  4. Watch the video for a send 3 option!


Stopping RPO Read Y Flat


  • This is one of the most popular RPOs in Madden 25, here's how to stop it!
  1. Auto Flip: Off
  2. Alignment: Base
  3. Choose a Nickel/Dime Formation
  4. Move Trips Side Safety Outside of Slot CB
  5. Hard Flat Slot Corner
  • Please watch the video for a full breakdown


How To Bag MTN Y Post (Trips TE Flex)


  1. Call a "Cover 6" play
  2. User the TE
  • Make sure we don't Shade our Coverage, and our Zone Drops are on Default
  • Watch the video for a full breakdown

November 21st

Part 2: New Nickel 3-3 Cub Blitz


  • Auto Flip: Off
  • Playcall: Mike Blitz 0 (Slot Corner is on the Right)
  1. Zone Out OLBs
  2. Drag MLB as shown in Video
  3. See video for full breakdown

November 21st

Part 1: New Dime 1-4 Blitz


  • Vikings Defensive Playbook, Dime 1-4
  • Playcall: Cross 3 Fire
  1. Pinch Defensive Line
  2. See video coverages adjustments


How To Highball


  • Hold Left Bumper to activate a "High Ball
  • This is best used when there's a Defender underneath your WR, and you are Bullet Passing
  • See the video for a full breakdown


Dime 2-3-6 Contain Blitz


  1.  Base Align On, Auto Flip On
  2.  Move 1 or Both OLBs out
  3.  Contain
  4. Can run Cover 3 Hard Flats, Cover 6 Show 2, or Cover 9 Show 2


Short Yardage Run D (5-2)


  • Call 5-2, Fire Zone 2, with Base Align On
  1. Spread Defensive Line
  2. Blitz All LBs
  3. User Safety & Hook Curl other Safety


Bomb ANY Coverage


  • See video for Full Guide on Bombing any Zone Coverage
  • Be sure to TEST all Bombs in Practice Mode before games

The RIGHT Way To Adjust On Defense


This week's META Buster we Deep Dive the idea of "Adjusting" on Defense, based on our Current Defense & the Offensive Formation we're going against. 

This is an ADVANCED video, but will be HUGE for you once you master it. Highly recommend you revisit this video after a few days

How To FREESTYLE On Offense


  • Hey fellas, Civil here. This one, is an absolute MUST WATCH. 
  • It's hard to Summarize this because of the style of content it is, but this is so incredibly important in building a Great Offense


The BEST Run Defense


  • Call a "Cover 4" Play
  1. Pinch Defensive Line
  2. Spread Linebackers (Optional)
  • Look to "Sweep" with your user
  • Watch the video in full


2 New DOMINANT Blitzes


  • Playbook: 3-3-5 Tite
  • Formation: 2-3 Odd
  • Auto Flip: Off

Blitz 1 (Cover 4 Drop):

  1. Blitz the Left MLB
  2. User on top of, and Engage with the Left Guard 
  3. Hook Curl DT (Optional)

Blitz 2 (Cover 4 Quarters):

  • Starts at 2:50
  1. Move Blitzing Linebacker to opposite side
  2. Hover w/ User as shown


HOW & WHY To Make Defensive Adjustments


  • Full breakdown on how to make IN-GAME adjustments
  • Hook Curls are one of the first things we want to consider adjusting
  • To stop Corners, and easy adjustment is dropping our "Flats"
  • We can dumb everything down to the idea of "If you're worried about routes in a specific area of the field... put more Zones in that area of the field"
  • Always try to keep in mind "What is YOUR (User) Assignment)
  • This is a great video to rewatch and comeback to!


How To DOMINATE The Run Game


  • Don't hold Turbo until you hit an open hole 
  • Check your Blocking (Left Trigger, Right Stick To The Left)
  • You MUST let blocks develop


How To Block EVERY Blitz


  • This video is a full breakdown of how to block EVERY blitz in College Football
  • I highly recommend watching this video in full, and  to make sure you always have this information handy


Easy Redzone Dots


  • Trips style formations
  • Feel free to Screenshot any set up
  • 1:46 is a great spot to Screenshot a set up that works from any Trips Set
  • 3:13 is another spot to take a screenshot for a play that works from any Trips Set
  • 5:58 is another great spot to screenshot


The BEST Abilities in CFB


  • Mental Abilities: Headstrong, Fan Favorite, Winning Time & Clutch Kicker
  • See video at 2:40 to see Dcroft's favorite Physical Abilities
  • The Tiers are important, so be sure to watch the video
  • Few favorites (Bronze Workhorse, Platinum Agile Extender, Bronze Sure Hands & Cutter, Bronze Quick Drop, Bronze Strong Grip if you're a Runner, Bronze Takeoff, Bronze Ball Hawk, Gold Quick Jump)


Unstoppable Route Combo


  • HB to the Wide Side of the field
  • This is a Concept, not just a money play!
  1. Put HB on a Wheel
  2. Need a Flat Route on that side
  3. Attack middle with other WRs as shown


LB Cross 3 Show 2


  • Auto Flip: Off
  1. Spread Linebackers
  2. User Right MLB
  3. Shade Coverage Underneath (this gets Hard Flats, and Cancels Match, but is optional)


How RPO Reads Beat The META


  • Plays must have RPO "Read" in them
  • Basically, think of the Defender with the "Read" Icon over his head as totally useless
  • Vs some Defenses, this will mean that there's no way for them to defend our Bubbles/Flats


New Mid Blitz Set Up


  • Turn Off Auto Flip
  • DBL Mug, Mid Blitz
  1. Spread Defensive Line
  2. Contain
  3. User Safety Manned Up Onto HB & Hover Over RG
  4. See video for a Full, In-Depth Breakdown


Run Defense Seminar


  1. This video breaks down simple rules to run Defense in College Football 25
  2. Use these as Guidelines, not the end all be all


Match Overview (as of 11-7-24)


  • Please watch the video for an in-depth breakdown. 
  • Keep in mind, as time goes on this logic can change in the game, feel free to ask in the Discord if this is relevant still


34 Odd Blitz


  • 34 Odd Formation - Play is Pinch Buck 0
  1. Spread Defensive Line
  2. Slant Defensive Line Inside
  3. Hover as shown in video


Pass Protection Overview


  •  Keep in mind, this video is from many months ago and simply breaks down the logic behind Pass Protections.
  •  Things can change as the year goes on, be sure to test on your own


Full Guide To Pass Leading & Clicking On


  •  You want to focus on pushing the Left Stick AWAY from where the Defense in
  •  Click onto the WR and ATTACK the ball if the Coverage is tight


The BEST Hot Route In CFB


  • Hot Route an Outside WR onto a "Speed Out"
  •  Custom Stem them up 10-15 Yards


Easy To Use Zone Defense


  1. Coverage Shell: Cover
  2. Call any Cover 3 Defense
  3. Shade Coverage Underneath


How To Destroy Man Coverage


  • The Routes we cover in this video: Return Routes | TE In Routes Custom Stemmed Up | Outside WR Dig Routes | TE Drag Routes | Slot WR Zig Routes


Easy Redzone Plays


  1. Undercenter Speed / Load / Power Options (QB Sneak!)
  2. Jet Sweep & Touch Passes


Easy Money Route


  • Watch this video for a route that you NEED to add to your Offense