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  • Civil's Arizona Gun Trips | 4-2-5 Defense | DBL Mug Mini Scheme | & Dcroft's Oklahoma State Bunch Strong are now live on the site!

    Our Alabama Scheme & 335 Tite Defense are dropping soon!

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Who Is Civil?

Hey guys, so I'm Civil. I'm 23 years old, originally from a small town in Southern Michigan, but have lived in Austin, Texas since 2021.

I made my first deep professional tournament run in the Madden Classic in Madden 20, where I beat Drini and made the final 33 of that tournament. Since then, I've made numerous final 32s, 16s, won numerous 3rd party tournaments, and won tens of thousands of dollars

Madden changed my life, even before I turned it into a job. Madden was a desperately needed escape from reality, and I found a lot of joy WINNING, and out playing & scheming my opponents. So now, I do everything I can to give other people that same joy.

Quite literally everything you see on the site was developed, coded, and designed by me. If you have any issues, questions, concerns, thoughts or feedback, please reach out! Shoot me an email at [email protected], or tag me in our Discord!

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